Monday, September 20, 2010

Final Press Release: Announcement

For Immediate Release
Date: Sept. 14, 2010
Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
851 N. Main St.
Logan, UT 84321
Contact: Preston Parker
(661) 772-7537

Facebook and Twitter are taking over the world; know how to use them correctly.

(LOGAN, Utah)--- The Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV) has been created with the goal to educate community members on social media.

“We bring experts together with novices so we can learn social media together,” Preston Parker, president of the club, said. “We want members to bring laptops and practice at the meetings.”

The club uses hands-on, practical use for social media and works to help others promote themselves and business through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. There have been up to 80 members at the meetings and the members range from college students to stay-at-home moms to business professionals.

SMCCV meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at Borders. Every third month, they meet at Café Sabor for special nights called “Tweet-Ups.” Anyone can join the club and more information can be found at or

Parker, along with two other members, launched the Cache Valley chapter in August of 2009 after participating in a Salt Lake City chapter. Four other members joined to create the board. It is a branch of an international organization that is headquartered in San Francisco and has chapters on every continent but Antarctica.


Media Contact: Shana Sanders
PR Representative


  1. This is an awesome press release!! Informative in many aspects. I think your sub-heading is super strong!

  2. I agree with Adam completely! I really like your sub-heading and it made me want to go back and revise my own! Nice writing skills.
