Dear Cousin,
Lately, I have been thinking about my future and what I want to do once I graduate, and a career in public relations may be where I am headed.
Public relations offers a wide range of opportunities. Professionals work with different media outlets to make the public aware of different products and events. They guide agencies and companies through promotion and do damage control when it is needed. Public relations activities can be spontaneous and diverse. Creativity is an important part of campaigns and specialists also need to know how to effectively do research and know their audiences.
Strong writing skills are required in public relations because the majority of the information passed to the public is in written form. Media kits are a prime example of public relations writing. A media kit may include fact sheets, press releases, brochures, fliers, and speeches that go along with the campaign. All of these documents need to be clear, concise and written in a professional manner. Public relations cannot function properly without writing.
Public relations is a very competitive career and that is why professional writing skills are so important. It is also important to get as much hands on experience as possible. Public relations is a fast paced environment with room to be creative. I am excited to explore a career in public relations.
Shana Sanders
I think that a lot of times people get confused between public relations and journalism. Also, some assume that public relations doesn't involve writing which as we both know is completely untrue. I greatly valued what you said about strong writing skills and you are exactly right. It is something that I am constantly working to be better at.