Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Draft Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

Date: Oct. 5, 2010
Cache Valley Areas Investors Association (CVAIA)
115 Main St.
Logan, UT 84321
Contact: Preston Parker, Founder and President
Phone: 555-555-0000
Email: CVIAI@bp.com

Financial Independence Comes From High Passive Income and Low Expenses

LOGAN, Utah. – Most of middle-class America does not believe they can ever be financially independent, that is when passive income is greater than expenses.

“Financial independence is not about luck. It is planned, orchestrated and executed,” Preston Parker, founder and president of Cache Valley Investors Association (CVAIA), said.

The purpose of CVIAI is to promote the cause of financial independence. Once out of college, a person can be financially independent in 7-10 years and never have to work another day in his/her life because they have to, but because they love what they do.

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CVIAI meets every first Thursday at the Logan Chamber of Commerce and every third Thursday at a local restaurant. There is no cost to members.

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Media Contact: Shana Sanders
PR Specialist, CVAIA
Phone: 555-555-5555
Email: Shanasanders08@gmail.com


  1. I thought you lead was very good, and very informative. It made me want to read more and know what the rest of the article was about. You had very good information, even in the short amoount of time, so good job!

  2. Nice work! It amazes me how much information you can get typed up before class is over. I never get this much information up! Hey look, we used the same quote. Great minds think alike!
